Personal Injury Attorney

In search of an experienced Personal Injury lawyer? Attorney Maureen Kroll offers consultations regarding all accidents and injuries. These cases are done on a contingency fee basis.

We do not receive a fee unless you receive money
for your case.

At the offices of Maureen Kroll, Attorney at law, we have an experienced staff to assist you with your claim, and Attorney Kroll’s own background includes 30+ years as a registered nurse. With an extensive medical background as a registered nurse and a master’s degree specializing in critical care nursing, Maureen can effectively evaluate your injuries and help you understand all of the medical reports and records. Personal Injury is one area of law that does require an experienced attorney who has the medical background to fight for what you deserve. At the minimum, we recommend that you contact our office for a consultation.

Time Limitations for Claims

Depending on the type of accident in which you were involved, there may be a time limit in which to file a law suit. So do not delay! Consider the pain and suffering you may incur down the road and the money necessary to pay future medical bills. After an accident, your condition can improve, but unfortunately, it may also worsen. It pays to call an injury attorney with a medical background who can properly evaluate your case. Call us today at 724-863-6770.



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